LapSnapper Download Center is meant for the LapSnapper customers. Customers can download the LapSnapper software and the user manuals after purchasing the LapSnapper Lap Timing System. Please find required product information from the label, which is located inside the LapSnapper product package.


1. GIVE YOUR FULL NAME (required)

2. GIVE A PRODUCT KEY (required)

3. SELECT SOFTWARE (required)

LapSnapper Lap Timing Software for Android

  • Description: LapSnapper Lap Timing Software need to be installed on the each smart device, which hosts the lap time measurement (= Software meant for the LapSnapper Lap Timing System).

LapSnapper Client&Monitoring Software for Android

    • Description: LapSnapper Client&Monitoring Software is optional separately sellable product and it is used to receive the measured lap times from the LapSnapper Lap Timing System. Received lap times can be shown on the Android TV, TV connected to the Android TV Box, Android Mobile Phone, Android Tablet, Android Minicomputer, etc.

LapSnapper for Trainers for Android

  • Description: LapSnapper for Trainers is lap time measurement software, which is especially meant for lap time measurement during the training. LapSnapper for Trainers supports only practicing sessions. Qualification and race sessions are not supported.

4. SELECT SOFTWARE VERSION (Please see software version history here): (required)

Version 5.24.1 (Recommended) / Latest update 3rd of June, 2024 *
Version 5.23.1 / Latest update 24th of May, 2023 *

* Notice: LapSnapper Lap Timing Software supports LapSnapper Socket Server version 5.20 or newer: Link to LapSnapper Socket Server Specification version 5.20